Home Care Instructions After Wisdom Teeth Surgery

Follow these instructions to feel better quickly!!
DIET: Begin with clear liquids and soft foods in the first 24 hours – foods like soup, eggs, pasta, rice, ice cream, smoothies or mashed potatoes. Do not drink through a straw for 5-7 days as it can disrupt clotting. AVOID crunchy foods like peanuts, popcorn, chips for 7 days.
ACTIVITY: Relax and take it easy for the first couple of days!! Lie on the couch with a pillow behind your head, binge watch shows, play on your phone, eat ice cream and just hang out. It helps to keep your head above heart level – this will help reduce swelling. Avoid lifting, bending or stooping.
BLEEDING: You can expect a bit of bleeding following surgery. We send you home with gauze in your mouth. Moisten the gauze and change it every 20-30 minutes until bleeding stops. It is not unusual to have blood tinged saliva for 36 hours following surgery. To help promote clotting, you can also place a moistened tea bag over the area and apply gentle pressure. If you have an excessive amount of bright red bleeding after following these instructions, notify our office or answering service.
SWELLING: Swelling will reach its peak in 2-3 days then will decrease over time. To minimize swelling, apply ice packs for the first 24 hours – 30 minutes on, 30 minutes off. Alternate sides if indicated.
PAIN: A certain amount of pain is normal following surgery. The worst discomfort should be in the first 2-3 days, after that the pain should decrease. Follow the medication instructions given to you the day of surgery.
NUMBNESS: Due to local anesthetic, you may have numbness for up to 12 hours.
TEETH BRUSHING / MOUTH RINSING: Gently brush and rinse near the surgical sites.
STITCHES: Stitches will dissolve on their own in 2-10 days, unless your surgeons schedules an appointment to have them removed. You may feel strings as the sutures dissolve, this is very normal.
FEVER: Mildly elevated temperatures for 24-48 hours is normal. Notify our office or answering service if your temperature is over 101°F for 2 days in a row.
ANTIBIOTICS: If you are given antibiotics take them as prescribed until gone.
FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY: Do Not sign any legal documents. Do Not drive or operate machinery for 24 hours following general anesthesia. DO NOT DRINK ANY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES.
THINGS THAT MAY OCCUR: Sore teeth, earache and/or sore throat, bruising to outside of face, tightness of jaw muscles and dry/cracked lips. There will be an opening where the tooth was removed. As the area heals the clot that forms will fill in with new tissue. The clot may be grayish or yellow in appearance and have a slight odor but that does not indicate an infection. Keep your tongue away from the area to avoid disrupting the healing process.

Contact Us

If you have any questions concerning your surgery and recovery, contact us.
Omaha: 402-397-1205
Council Bluffs: 712-328-8892
Papillion: 402-964-2727
Fremont: 402-721-3600
Contact your dentist for continuation of your routine dental care needs. Thanks for letting us care for you!
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American Board of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery
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American Association of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeons
Featured in Faces of Omaha Magazine 2018 & 2017

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